Have you Created a Recruitment Process or a Candidate Experience?
I recently watched a great chat between Google Dave and Hung Lee at the Brainfood gathering and they discussed candidate experience over recruitment process. We all know that it is currently really tough to find the talent we all need to satisfy job vacancies and enable our businesses to deliver the exciting growth opportunities we have. However, it seems that MOST companies are still running a recruitment process based on their needs rather than creating a candidate experience that will motivate high calibre talent to want to be involved.

I have had a few discussions with clients this week all around how we entice and inspire candidates into a discussion. It is clear that employers aren't responding to the rapidly changing candidate market and are hoping that their old recruitment process will yield the returns it used to. You have bad news coming if that is you!
Here are my top 6 tips to help you create a great candidate experience;
1. Drop your guard and tell your story Far too many organisations are still being very corporate with their messaging. Candidates couldn't care less about your corporate branding. They don't want to know about your products, services or the exhibitions you are attending. They want you to bring to life what it is like to work at your business, your purpose, your vision and what their career could look like.
2. Be authentic Don't use copywriters or professional videographers to create content for you. Ask some new recruits to share their story either in writing or on an Iphone type video. Candidates would love to hear from others that you have already recruited because they can relate to them.
3. Respect candidates Remember that candidates are giving up their time to engage with you. Every touch point you have with them will create their impression of your business and its culture. You need to move at the right speed. Don't rush things and don't take weeks and weeks to make a decision. Also make sure that you communicate well with candidates and keep them informed of your thoughts on them and what happens next.
4. Communicate the experience they can expect from you Let candidates know at the start of their recruitment process what they can expect and who they will be meeting. Don't surprise candidates along the way by keep adding new hurdles to jump over.
5. Differentiate your candidate experience from your competitors' It is likely that candidates are aware of the opportunities being offered by your competitors. They may also be aware of their recruitment process. Make sure you design your candidate experience to differentiate you from the market.
6. Make sure your remuneration budget is in line with the candidates you want to employ Don't get to the point where a candidate wants to join but you can't afford them! I guess just think about created a candidate experience that you would love to have?
About the author
Having started his career in Executive Search in 1998, Doug set up Collingwood in 2005 alongside his wife, Claire Mackay.
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