Sector Specialists:
Uncovering Top Talent for Specific Industries
Find Your Next Industry Leader - Contact us Today

Strengthening the Foundations of Your Business
At Collingwood we live our success through you. What we care about most is helping our clients meet their goals. We understand how critical getting recruitment right first time around is and won't stop until we find a solution for you. Common feedback from our clients is how relentless and resilient we are!
Many of our clients have been with us for more than 10 years and our longest partnership started in 2006. We are very proud of the aspirational clients that we work with and love bringing their stories to life to inspire and entice the candidates they need to deliver success to their businesses. We recruit Board, Senior and Specialist roles across all business disciplines.
We are a values-driven team of very experienced recruitment specialists and consult with our clients to add the maximum value we can.
If you are looking for a true value adding recruitment partnership and not just a transaction to gather CVs then please contact us today.
Why 99% of our Clients Return

97% Successfully Filled Assignments

Your Online Assignment Portal


Right First Time
Recruitment Success
We know that recruiting high performing professionals to take your business forward can leave you feeling highly frustrated and underwhelmed as many recruiters just don’t deliver what you need. Or you think they have found the right candidate, but after a short period you realise they are just not what you need, or they have decided to move on! We can take this stress away for you and ensure you invest in talent that helps deliver your strategic objectives!
Having successfully recruited 97% of the roles we were retained on last year and with 99% of our clients returning, we know we will delight you.
The key to our success is the way we collaborate with our clients and the relentlessness with which we deliver all our assignments. Recruitment is tough and so this is key.
Our team of executive search consultants are experts in their sectors, understanding their markets and the talent landscape thoroughly. To help you create and build high performing teams with the very best talent the market has to offer.

Contact us to discuss if Executive Search is right for you and your business